A Novel Distributed File System Using Blockchain Metadata ,2022, Wireless Personal Communications
Android App for Handwriting Analysis using Deep Learning ,2019, Journal of Communication Engineering and its Innovations
Implementation of Shannon Fano Elias Encoding algorithm using LABVIEW ,2018, Electronics For You
Multiscale Decomposition for Local-Edge Preservation using Median filter as preprcessor to LEP filter ,2014, International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Technology Research(IJSETR-2014)
Android App For Handwriting Analysis Using Deep Learning ,2019, National Conference on Information and Communication Engineering organied by dept.of ECE,MBCCET,Peermadu
Smart saver with automatic traffic control system ,2017, National conference on Recent trens in VLSI,Communica tion and Networks(RTVC
VOWH:Support Tool for Differently abled people ,2017, Recent Trends in Engineering and Technology"NCRIET2017" at Believers church carmel Engineering College
Vehicle Trajectory Analysis and Illegal Left Turn Detection ,2016, National Conference on Emerging Trends in ECE (NACETEC'16)sponsored by TEQIP-II,College of Engineering Perumon,Kollam
Image Fusion Using Daubechies Complex Wavelet Transform and Lifting Wavelet Transform:a multi resolution approach ,2014, AICERA-2014,AJCE,KANJIRAPALLY
Training programs attended
Administrative Training Program OBE-Computation & Attainments and Accreditation Workspace in AES, Amal Jyothi College of Engineering, Amal Jyothi College of Engineering, from 2022-12-12 to 2022-12-16
Advanced Research and Quality Publication, FISAT, Online, from 2022-08-29 to 2022-09-02
Basics and Best practices for Fruitful Research, Amal Jyothi College of Engineering, Amal Jyothi College of Engineering, from 2022-01-10 to 2022-01-14
Administrative Training Program - Moodle LMS Management, Marian College Kuttikkanam (Autonomous), Amal Jyothi College of Engineering, from 2020-07-16 to 2020-08-04
Administrative Training Program Essentials of OBE and NBA / NAAC documentation, Amal Jyothi College of Engineering, Amal Jyothi College of Engineering, from 2019-08-26 to 2019-08-30
Empowering Educators: A Comprehensive Approach to Mentor-
Mentee Schemes, Blooms Taxonomy, and ICT in Teaching, Amal Jyothi College of Engineering, Amal Jyothi College of Engineering, from 2018-12-26 to 2018-12-30
Electronic Design Automation Tools, Dept of ECE, College of Engineering,Kidangoor, from 2016-08-22 to 2016-08-25
NPTEL Workshop, IIT Madras, AJCE,Kanjirapally, from 2015-11-21 to 0000-00-00
LATEX Typesetting Tool &Technical Paper Writing, (Dept.of CSE&MCA) , AJCE,KANJIRAPALLY, from 2015-10-27 to 2015-10-29
National Workshop on Probability Theory and its applications, Dept.of Basic Sciences,, Ajce,Kottayam, from 2014-04-28 to 2014-04-30
ISTE Workshop on signals and systems, IIT,Kharagpur, AJCE,Kanjirapally, from 2014-01-02 to 2014-01-12
Analog Electronics, IIT,Kgaragpur, AJCE,Kanjirapally, from 2013-06-04 to 2013-06-14
AICERA 2013, IEE,DRDO,ICMICR, AJCE,Kanjirapally, from 2013-06-04 to 2013-06-06
nATIONAL WORKSHOP ON a-view, National Mission on Education through ICT(MHRD), AJCE,Kanjirapally, from 2012-12-14 to 2012-12-14
Design of Intelligent Systems, Dept,of ECe, AJCE,Kanjirapally, from 2012-05-03 to 2012-05-16
Basic Electronics, IIT,Bombay, AJCE,Kanjirapally, from 2011-06-28 to 2011-07-08
GSM, BSNL, Regional Telecom Centre,Thiruvanthapuram, from 2010-11-22 to 2010-11-27
Advances in Image Processing, CSE Dept, SJCET,Palai, from 2009-11-20 to 2009-11-26
Computing,Simulation &Modeling in Electronics Engineering, Dept.of ECE, SJCET,Palai, from 2008-11-18 to 2008-11-22
Workshop on Externally Funded Projects, Diocese of Kanjirapally and ISTE chapter, AJCE,Kanjirapally, from 2008-01-18 to 0000-00-00
Evolving Trends in ECE, ISTE,Kerala Section, AJCE,Kanjirapally, from 2008-01-07 to 2008-01-14
Current Responsibilities
Dept. Quality Assurance Cell Member (DQAC)
Dept. Documentation Officer
Specialized Trainings
AICTE Training and Learning (ATAL) Academy, ALL INDIA COUNCIL FOR TECHNICAL EDUCATION, 2024-11-21
SOPC Design for power converters, AmalJyothi College of Engineering, 2024-03-22
Biomedical Instrrumentation, College of Engineering, Chengannur, 2021-12-15
Paradigm Shift in Assessment and Evaluation Practices for Engineering Graduates, Amal Jyothi College of Engineering,AICTE sponsored short term training Programme, 2020-12-07
Paradigm Shift in Assessment and Evaluation Practices for Engineering Graduates, Amal Jyothi College of Engineering,AICTE sponsored short term training Programme, 2020-11-16
AICTE-ATAL sponsored online FDP on Biomedical Instrumentation -research challenges, AmalJyothi College of Engineering,Kanjirappally, 2020-08-28
Moodle site creation, AmalJyothi College of Engineering,Kanjirappally, 2020-08-05
Art of Writing a Survey paper for Research, AmalJyothi College of Engineering,Kanjirappally, 2020-07-23
FDP on advanced Python Programming, AmalJyothi College of Engineering,Kanjirappally, 2020-07-15
FDP on Tools for MachineLearning Application Development, AmalJyothi College of Engineering,Kanjirappally, 2020-01-08
International seminar on Strategies for a successful Career in Science,Engineering and Technologyoganied by IEEE photonics society, Mangalam College of Engg.Ettumanoor, 2019-02-04
Training programme on PCB Design and Fabrication, AmalJyothi College of Engineering,Kanjirappally, 2018-06-18
Training programme on Advanced Tools and software for Automation Laboratory, AmalJyothi College of Engineering,Kanjirappally, 2017-06-21
FDP on DSP Architecture withTMS320C6745, AmalJyothi College of Engineering,Kanjirappally, 2017-06-02
STTP on CMOS,Mixed Signal and Radio frequency VLSI Design, AmalJyothi College of Engineering,Kanjirappally, 2017-01-30
Workshop on Electronic Design Automation Tools (22/08/2016- 25/08/16), College of Engineering,Kidangoor, 2016-08-22
NPTEL workshop conducted by IIT Madras, AmalJyothi College of Engineering,Kanjirappally, 2015-11-21
LATEX-Typesetting Tool and Technical Paper Writing, AmalJyothi College of Engineering,Kanjirappally, 2015-10-27
National workshop on Probability theory and its applications sponsored by Indian National Science Academy, AmalJyothi College of Engineering,Kanjirappally, 2014-04-28
Two week ISTE workshop on Signals and Systems, AmalJyothi College of Engineering,Kanjirappally, 2014-01-02
Basic Electronics, IIT,Bombay, 2011-04-06
One day workshop on AVIEW classroom training, AJCE, 1970-01-01
Design of Intelligent Systems, Amal Jyothi College of Engineering, Kanjirappally, 0000-00-00
A training programme on GSM technology, Regional Telecom Training Centre Thiruvananthapuram, 0000-00-00
Computing,Simulation & Modeling in Electronics Engineering, Saint Joseph College of Engineering&Technology, Palai, 0000-00-00
Praseeda B Nair
Assistant Professor, Electronics & Communication Engineering
Date of Joining : 04-12-2007